Thursday, April 26, 2012

Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission

It is our position that the recent Supreme Court decision regarding campaign finance law reaffirms a fundamental liberty guaranteed by our Constitution – freedom of speech. The high Court determined that “Congress shall make no law abridging free speech” stating that, “Speech is an essential mechanism of democracy-it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people.” The decision also determined that “the right of free speech did not discern between individual or corporate identity”, or the “financial ability to engage in public discussion”.

While we are attentive to assertions made in the recent US State of the Union Address, we believe sufficient restrictions remain intact regarding foreign entity influence. And in recent years, nonprofit and for profit corporations and unions funneled money to campaigns through political action committees, 527s, or through individual donations. With the new ruling, the source of campaign donations will be more transparent assuring sufficient checks and balances.

No doubt, we will be inundated with even more political advertizing in the upcoming midterm elections; but the preservation of unfettered speech is worth the inconvenience. As two Iranians were executed last week for protesting against their government, we are reminded of the role of speech to preserving liberty.

This column was published on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 in the Current in Carmel, Current in Westfield and Current in Noblesville -

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